Ive been searching around for some miscellaneous tracks lately, via mixes ive seen on youtube by guys like steve aoki and other san fran hipster guys. I came across a couple I really liked. The first being a monster remix of golden skans originally by the klaxons done by sebastiAn. I think this guy will overtake justice eventually once he throws some more original tracks out and releases his album, but i dont know if itll be as successful in the mainstream as justice. I added a track by aoki I heard on one of his mixes entitled "Awww shit". Reminds of the STFU track i posted earlier. Ill finish this set of 3 tracks with a song by green velvet, who i never heard of until recently and am familiarizing myself with his stuff now. The track "shake and pop" featuring walter phillips is pretty tight. I heard it in an aoki mix and he mashed it with the STFU track that I liked as well.
Just for kicks I added the vintage classic, "Never gonna let you down", by Rick Astley. Its a great song to throw on to make people go "Oh what the fuck is this...oh this isnt bad...lol ive heard this shit before..." and then you quickly throw on something good.
Aw Shit- Steve Aoki and others
Never Gonna Give You Up- Rick Astley
Shake and Pop- Green Velvet ft. Walter Phillips
Golden Skans (sebastiAn remix)- Klaxons
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