Some of my favorite indie bands have come out with some nice shit for 07. Indie is a loose term I like to use for anything semi-underground that doesnt appeal to the mainstream audience. Some of my favorite groups like radiohead, of montreal, and bloc party have come out with new shit this year and have experienced some pretty good success. Bloc party along with the other NME bands (sunshine underground, maximo park, mumm-ra,etc.) have a real UK pop sound and shouldnt really be considered, but it appeals to me for some reason so ill just lump it in with everything else.
First up, Bloc Party.
They released their new album, A Weekend in the City, in early 07. At first I was turned off by the album but i grew to like it. A couple key tracks off the album being hunting for witches, uniform, and i still remember.
Next up, Radiohead.
Radiohead "shocked" the world by putting up their new cd for a pay-your-own-price download. It seems like they care about music more than money. It reminds me of that south park episode where the famous band Moot led by the bandmembers Kyle and Stan protest illegal downloads. Leave it to Trey and Matt to put an rediculous satrical spin on the whole issue of illegal downloading. Back to radiohead, a couple key tracks id recommend are bodysncatchers, house of cards, and all i need. If you have downloaded this cd already youre probably a loser so theres no need for me to post the expired download link, but ill do so anyway.
Next up, a little Of Montreal.
The Of Montreal album, Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?, was pretty tight. The band is so whack with their outlandish song/album titles and the lead singers flamboyant appearances. However, the music is the shit and thats what matters most. Couple key tracks are cato as pun, gronlandic edit, and heimdalsgate like a promethean curse.
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