Straight out the fuckin’ dungeons of has-been rap, “Uh Oh” took many (read: all) by surprise. If the fact that Ja Rule released a single in 2007 didn’t shock you, then the fact that the song is fire did. While Ja’s verses are good enough to get us to almost (almost) forget about all those piss-poor collaborations with Ashanti, a more than stellar guest verse by Lil Wayne and the Disco D production bring the song together.
Behind the boards, Disco D, who died at 26 a year ago next month, creates a machine gun of a hip-hop track. As the keys on the beat rapid-fire and stutter over the subdued Ghettotech drums that he created in high school, the MCs alternate ‘uh ohhh’s to the beat. Guns blazing, Wayne bursts into the song on the second verse. The self-proclaimed frantically spits out each line, cramming in every bit of swagger and lyrical precision that fastens the crown on top his head. Likening himself to a “Young Raekwon” early in his bars, he drops an absolute jaw-dropper of a punchline towards the end of his verse. “My pimp game propa/My if aim propa/So run and I will hit you like Jeremiah Trotta’.” Since he took over the hip hop industry nearly two years ago, Lil Wayne has normally outshone the beats he rapped on, making the songs with his oft-humorous, always incredible wordplay. On “Uh Oh,” the production makes even the imperial Weezy to another level. The only other time the public got to really hear Disco D’s genius on the radio was on 50 Cent’s haunting “Ski Mask Way.” At the time of his death, D was still a prodigy, having not yet exhibited half his potential. He was an artist who crafted beats that made rappers better and, on “Uh Oh,” the best rapper in the world even greater.
"Uh Oh" (zShare)
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